Vijay Hero, Meena Chowdary Heroine, under the direction of prominent Telugu director Venkat Prabhu, the untitled big budget film is titled “The Greatest of All Time”. Meanwhile, the short form of this film is being referred to as “Goat”. The film has completed business all over the world and has also completed its business in Telugu. The prominent distribution company Mytri Movie Distribution has acquired this film.
A shocking revelation has been made today. Have you heard how much money was spent on this film in Telugu? According to reports, they spent around 25 crore on this film. This amount is almost equal to the business done by Vijay’s previous film “Leo”. The music for this film is being composed by Yuva Shankar Raja, and the production is being handled by AGS Entertainment. The film is set to release on a pan-India level on September 5.