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Kalki’s Rage Grips Hyderabad!

Rebel Star Prabhas starred in the latest movie 'Kalki 2898 AD', which is not slowing down at the box office. Despite being released 10 days ago, audiences are still flocking to theaters to watch this movie.

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Rebel Star Prabhas starred in the latest movie ‘Kalki 2898 AD’, which is not slowing down at the box office. Despite being released 10 days ago, audiences are still flocking to theaters to watch this movie. The movie has been creating records in all areas, breaking box office records.

The movie ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ has created a new record in the Nizam area, with GST included, earning a total of Rs 80 crores in just 10 days. It is expected to cross the Rs 100 crore mark by July 12th, when the movie ‘Bharatiya-Ud-2’ is released.

Fans are confident that ‘Kalki’ will not only break the records in Nizam but also across the country, crossing the Rs 100 crore mark. Director Nag Ashwin has made this sci-fi visual wonder movie with a massive budget produced by C. Ashwini Dutt.

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